Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Here Comes the boom...

- A brief note: I hate Myspace. No, I absolutely abhor Myspace. I'm 22 years old and I respect myself just enough that I will no longer subject myself to signing into a social networking site populated by teenagers and sexual predators. Yeah, I said it. It served it's purpose, connecting me with people I probably wouldn't have interacted with normally. But in recent years it has degenerated into a cesspool of shameless harassment, name calling, stalking, and the like. To put it bluntly, if I wanted to be surrounded by that, I wouldn't have cut school every year after freshman year. Yes. Myspace, has become High School, and if I couldn't be bothered to sit through it like a normal student, why deal with it now?
But I digress, there was one bright spot amidst all that wreckage. I created a blog series which surprisingly had quite a few followers. I actually enjoyed doing it for a while, and despite the subject matter, it was still, in my opinion, well done. Sadly, that hate for Myspace and all it entails overrides this, which leads me here. Facebook's " Write a Note" feature, sucks. No need to draw it out. I'll keep my Myspace account, just to archive my past blogs, but all now posts, will be done here. Sooner or later, I'll post those old blogs, especially the ones I really like, but for all intents and purposes, Fuck Myspace. I'll try and be around more often so don't worry:
                            As long as I have something to say,
                                  There will always be
                                         A Crash of Thunder

  So unfortunately, I have to say at this point in time that I am a PS3 guy. After all my posturing about it, I went and bought one back in March (or was it February?) and, since I don't have an Xbox 360 (and refuse to buy games for a system I don't own, unless it's Gears of War or Halo) I have grown attached to the piece of crap. I say piece of crap because lo and behold, it doesn't play PS2 games, or have a memory stick slot. Unbelievable, how in this day and age the simplest things mean so much. Let's be honest, the PS2 is the highest selling console of all time. Hell, people still play the damn thing, in the era of motion gameplay, and online gaming. But whatever. So I have this $300 piece of crap, and now I'm attached to the damn thing, and wish my friend had one, so we can communicate together and kill shit the way we always wanted. Sadly, only one of my friends have one, and for all his smack talk, his internet is impotent. (I'm lookin' at you, Blanka!) So here I am, lonely as fuck, bonding with something I've despised for the past year, because my friends are lame. Sounds like my last relationship.

  I'll keep this short. My family can kiss my ass. I'm better than them, and all their primitive hillbilly antics. They can go to hell. I wake up and already I've bested them. If they can't accept parts of my (not that they ever have) than they can do without me period.

 So, my birthday is tomorrow.
I hope that whoever should be there is there, and whoever isn't there wishes they were.
It's all I can ask.

  Started my second semester of school. I feel good. Proud. Like maybe I do deserve better.
  Despite how bad I've been treated by those who feign giving a damn, I feel good.

Alright, I'll cut it here, before I get all preachy and bitch about my family. They don't deserve the space anymore.


  1. i'm so glad that you decided to keep up with your blogs!
    this also means that i need to buy more bow and arrow journals...

    p.s. keep up the good work at school! i'm so proud of ya!

  2. This is Blanka comin in to bite the living daylights out ur ass *chomp chomp*!
